The trilogy literature is the best for reading. After having read it again especially
the Miss Anabelle’s story this time is my 4th time around reading her story.
There is nothing like it and never will be ever. After I read Miss Annabelle’s
story for the 4th or 5th time I feel it’s the first time and I look forward every
Friday night to read my part again. Thank You Mr. Hamilton I really don’t
focus whether it is real or not. I concentrate on the knowledge I get out of it.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for a great story, that I’ll read again & again & still get something new out of it; thank you for the memories of my 1st grade teacher, Mrs Thurston, my 5th grade classmates, my Grandmamma & the times spent. I relate to Sally’s Mom so well, because of my asthma, her Cancer, which both can be killers; now I understand my mom, where she’d relate to Sally, in her situation
Mark, I’ve fallen deeply in love with your new definition of faction.
The facts that you’ve written about in your Miss Anabelle’s Story are
the most beautiful facts my eyes has ever beheld.
The fact of the matter is,
The only hope on planet earth, for America is
through Mark Hamilton’s, Neothink Literatures, Neothink Society, Neothink
Clubhouses and Twelve Visions Party, wich Miss Anabelle’s Story contains and
are important pieces to the superpuzzle.
Much love to everyone in Miss Anabelle’s Story especially….especially”Daniel”.
“Miss Anabelle’s Secrets Is The Best Novel Ever Written”.
Anything within the realm of man’s imagination is within the realm of possibility.
Thoughts create ideas which when acted upon create realities in the physical universe in which we live.
The Miss Annabelle story is a blueprint to follow and agree upon to create the actuality of the perfect Civilization of the Universe in which we were all meant to live.
It is an easy and logical path to follow to bring about a new “civilized” civilization where each individual may live their life in Wealth, Excellent Health and Peace for eternity.
Is it possible?
Yes. But it is only possible if we all make it so.
We are the creators of what exists around us.
Fiction becomes fact when it is continuously created, held in mind and acted upon.
This is the Super Puzzle which, together we will create and all share the benefits of in our future.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for the most valuable creation of values which we all can and will share. You are a true genius!
My birthday has just passed(Jan 29). It’s now Jan 30(12.:30 am). I thought I’d end my birthday with a Big Bang and that Big Bang is Mark Hamilton’s, Miss Anabelle’s Story. Through Miss Anabelle’s story, I feel as if I can be”born again into a new life”. Miss Anabelle’s Story is factual. We can become that conscious immortal that we were destined to be….”GODMAN”.
Hmm, thought I wrote on this one, but don’t see it. Yes, I love your definition of “faction.” One can easily say, “facts are real, fiction is not,” but it’s not always as simple as that. What is pure fiction one year, one moment, can become fact the next. Look up Jules Vern, “2,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” for example, and there’s many, many more like that. But in Miss Anabelle’s case, her story is fiction, meaning made up in its details, but the idea behind it, the “line of logic,” as Mark puts it, makes perfect sense–it’s very logical in its progression. And creating works of this sort has long been a traditional mode of teaching, of pulling the student into a way of thinking, and allowing them to ‘step into another world’ by use of imagination.
I ate, slept, and read this Miss Annabelle Story from the beginning to the end, utterly encompassed by this story–> It gave my imagination and feeling Self “wings” to want to continue flying through living out my life with values that were kin to me and all who live!!! What I realize now, after reading it several times again, I started reading in a microcosm which as the story progressed, gradually expanded into a larger and larger Big Picture as each portion progressed=a totally integrated picture of how life can become, as each of us become what we are meant to BE….
The Miss Anabelle,s story and the trillogy base on facts, We do believe the neothink mind can predict the future, The trillogy story of miss Anabelle is solid foundation for we the neothinkers and the TVP, as described with the level 5 apprentices.
One of the questions I percieve a new member saying is- What makes this story different from other stories that are fiction. And of course the answer would be this story is based on true accounts and pure logic and thats why its called Faction.
After Reading Miss Anabelle’s Secrets, I felt as if I’d been “lovestruck” by cupid. Swi-i-i-sh!! One arrow was all it took. Now….five years later….and I’m still “lovestruck” even more and will always and forever be. Yes my friends, Mark Hamilton’s, Miss Annabelle’s Secrets is DEVINE!!!! Besides my father, only one other has had this effect on me…… may both their souls forever rest in peace. Forever grateful for your devine existance Mark Hamitlon. Thanks for writing Miss Annabelle’s Secrets…..
“love you””
The Miss Annabelle story is one that I could not put down (except to eat and sleep) This is what we are going forward on with the TVP. Our future is waiting for us to take. All of our testimonals are helping to understand that goal. Mark Hamilton is the author, but you have to know he is a value creator and a genius and a visionary. With Neothink, we are all able to put the pieces of the puzzle together into our own future. See you all there. Pat
The trilogy literature is the best for reading. After having read it again especially
the Miss Anabelle’s story this time is my 4th time around reading her story.
There is nothing like it and never will be ever. After I read Miss Annabelle’s
story for the 4th or 5th time I feel it’s the first time and I look forward every
Friday night to read my part again. Thank You Mr. Hamilton I really don’t
focus whether it is real or not. I concentrate on the knowledge I get out of it.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for a great story, that I’ll read again & again & still get something new out of it; thank you for the memories of my 1st grade teacher, Mrs Thurston, my 5th grade classmates, my Grandmamma & the times spent. I relate to Sally’s Mom so well, because of my asthma, her Cancer, which both can be killers; now I understand my mom, where she’d relate to Sally, in her situation
Mark, I’ve fallen deeply in love with your new definition of faction.
The facts that you’ve written about in your Miss Anabelle’s Story are
the most beautiful facts my eyes has ever beheld.
The fact of the matter is,
The only hope on planet earth, for America is
through Mark Hamilton’s, Neothink Literatures, Neothink Society, Neothink
Clubhouses and Twelve Visions Party, wich Miss Anabelle’s Story contains and
are important pieces to the superpuzzle.
Much love to everyone in Miss Anabelle’s Story especially….especially”Daniel”.
“Miss Anabelle’s Secrets Is The Best Novel Ever Written”.
Anything within the realm of man’s imagination is within the realm of possibility.
Thoughts create ideas which when acted upon create realities in the physical universe in which we live.
The Miss Annabelle story is a blueprint to follow and agree upon to create the actuality of the perfect Civilization of the Universe in which we were all meant to live.
It is an easy and logical path to follow to bring about a new “civilized” civilization where each individual may live their life in Wealth, Excellent Health and Peace for eternity.
Is it possible?
Yes. But it is only possible if we all make it so.
We are the creators of what exists around us.
Fiction becomes fact when it is continuously created, held in mind and acted upon.
This is the Super Puzzle which, together we will create and all share the benefits of in our future.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for the most valuable creation of values which we all can and will share. You are a true genius!
Thank you for the Miss Annabelle story. It was so beautiful and so something to look forwaed too in our lives
My birthday has just passed(Jan 29). It’s now Jan 30(12.:30 am). I thought I’d end my birthday with a Big Bang and that Big Bang is Mark Hamilton’s, Miss Anabelle’s Story. Through Miss Anabelle’s story, I feel as if I can be”born again into a new life”. Miss Anabelle’s Story is factual. We can become that conscious immortal that we were destined to be….”GODMAN”.
Hmm, thought I wrote on this one, but don’t see it. Yes, I love your definition of “faction.” One can easily say, “facts are real, fiction is not,” but it’s not always as simple as that. What is pure fiction one year, one moment, can become fact the next. Look up Jules Vern, “2,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” for example, and there’s many, many more like that. But in Miss Anabelle’s case, her story is fiction, meaning made up in its details, but the idea behind it, the “line of logic,” as Mark puts it, makes perfect sense–it’s very logical in its progression. And creating works of this sort has long been a traditional mode of teaching, of pulling the student into a way of thinking, and allowing them to ‘step into another world’ by use of imagination.
Facts are real, Fiction is not.
I ate, slept, and read this Miss Annabelle Story from the beginning to the end, utterly encompassed by this story–> It gave my imagination and feeling Self “wings” to want to continue flying through living out my life with values that were kin to me and all who live!!! What I realize now, after reading it several times again, I started reading in a microcosm which as the story progressed, gradually expanded into a larger and larger Big Picture as each portion progressed=a totally integrated picture of how life can become, as each of us become what we are meant to BE….
Love, Lila
What we are meant to BEcome and what life can be is NOT fiction, but a Real-ity waiting to be expressed by each of us!!!
This story explains something that is real. It is a Fantastic story that I love to read.
The Miss Anabelle,s story and the trillogy base on facts, We do believe the neothink mind can predict the future, The trillogy story of miss Anabelle is solid foundation for we the neothinkers and the TVP, as described with the level 5 apprentices.
Logic goes along with understanding. A very powerful combination.
What if everyone could discover that they are a genius,and live forever free.
One of the questions I percieve a new member saying is- What makes this story different from other stories that are fiction. And of course the answer would be this story is based on true accounts and pure logic and thats why its called Faction.
After Reading Miss Anabelle’s Secrets, I felt as if I’d been “lovestruck” by cupid. Swi-i-i-sh!! One arrow was all it took. Now….five years later….and I’m still “lovestruck” even more and will always and forever be. Yes my friends, Mark Hamilton’s, Miss Annabelle’s Secrets is DEVINE!!!! Besides my father, only one other has had this effect on me…… may both their souls forever rest in peace. Forever grateful for your devine existance Mark Hamitlon. Thanks for writing Miss Annabelle’s Secrets…..
“love you””
This story is Fantastic!
The Miss Annabelle story is one that I could not put down (except to eat and sleep) This is what we are going forward on with the TVP. Our future is waiting for us to take. All of our testimonals are helping to understand that goal. Mark Hamilton is the author, but you have to know he is a value creator and a genius and a visionary. With Neothink, we are all able to put the pieces of the puzzle together into our own future. See you all there. Pat
MARK HAMILTON, is a Sensational Writer, and Miss Annabel’s Secrets, is Sensational!
Miss Anabelle is my favorite story. I am reading and studying it for the fifth time. Thank you Mark for your amazing literature.